Special thanks to Tenebrous Press for the ARC copy they provided.
Hgfgh! It feels like just a second ago I was reading Split Scream Volume Five (Oh wait, it WAS only a second ago…), and now here I am, writing my review for volume six. Tenebrous sure knows how to pump out the books, and make all the books high quality.
Split Scream Volume Six gripped me and immediately made me mad. In the best possible way. I related to the main character in David Corse’s Mother Is Coming Home and the situation he found himself in almost had me putting my Kindle down in disgust. But that is 100% what you want a story to do. Make. You. Feel. Shit.
And by shit, I mean emotions.
And Split Scream Volume Six is packed with emotions. Frankly, I found the end of Mother Is Coming Home terrifying, more terrifying than the most gruesome of slasher flicks, more disturbing than the goriest body horror. Why? Because of the utter lack of way out.
And Come to Daddy? Ryan T. Jenkins’ tale of a man falling apart was both soft and appropriately deranged.
In the end, I devoured this book in the space of a day and went looking for more. Sadly, there was no more, and I’ll have to wait for the next installment of this delightfully grim series.
waits impatiently