You have to love a book to read it not once, or twice, but three times, and still stand there and know you want to read it again.
I initially had the honor of reading Anti-Hero Blues as a submission to Balance of Seven when I was working with them, and fell head over heels in love with it. When I completed my first read of that draft, I came away wanting more. I felt bereaved and missed the characters. Exactly what you want to feel when finishing a book.
A few months later, I started my second read through, while working on developmental edits, and let me tell you… when you’re developmentally editing a book, you are questioning EVERYTHING, and staring at. Every. Single. Detail.
Until you go cross-eyed, and then you go back and look at the details some more. It’s grueling. And if you can come back to a book after performing a developmental edit still wanting more, you know you love it. In that way, editing is a bit like writing. You have to do it for love.
I one hundred percent love Anti-Hero Blues because I definitely still want more of it.
Also, did I mention my third read through was during a copy edit? They joke that copyediting is the devil’s work because the devil is in the details, and let me tell you, that’s the truth. Yet, three reads, two rounds of edits, and a spot clean run later, I’m still sitting on my hands, waiting for my paperback to get here in a few days so I can scream about it.
Anti-Hero Blues is action packed, funny, adorable, and sweet in all the right places. Working with Christopher was a dream, and I’m incredibly grateful I got to work so closely with him on this book. It means the world to me, and I can’t wait to hold his book in my hands and rant about how much I still love it. I look forward to sitting down to a leisurely read and revisiting Brandon, Bowie, and all the rest.
I can’t wait.